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NEMAsnigel® 40-100 m² - biological control of snails

345 SEK

Expected delivery date: 03 February to 10 February.



Product description

NEMAsnigel® - Nematodes Against Snails: 2 sizes of packages with approximately 12 or 30 million nematodes, sufficient for an area of ​​40 or 100 m². Larger areas are best irrigated using the AquaNemix nematode spreader.

NEMAsnigel® is a biological and effective agent in the fight against killer slugs.

Get rid of both large and small snails

Nematodes against snails are a biological means of getting rid of snails. The nematodes enter the snails through their natural body openings, where they then parasitize and use them as a "nursery", which leads to the snail dying and the nematodes multiplying.

There is no "best treatment time" to use this product against snails because a snail can lay up to 400 eggs from spring to autumn. A good way to get rid of snails when using nematodes is low pressure, preferably in combination with rain, as both nematodes and snails thrive best in moist environments.

Once the number of nematodes has decreased, a new generation emerges from the parasitized snail and searches for new hosts. After about six weeks, the number of nematodes will decrease if the number of host snails also decreases.

How to use NEMAsnigel®

Get rid of young snails:

The nematodes are watered into the soil to parasitize young snails that are still underground. This method results in fewer young individuals having the chance to lay eggs per season , which is otherwise about 400 per season and snail.

Get rid of adult snails:

Offer the adult snails something they like, mixed with nematodes, and the nematodes will enter the snails directly. Porridge that has cooled and mixed with nematodes and something attractive to the snails, such as beer, citrus fruits, dead snails or bananas, works well. The porridge forms a protective film that protects the nematodes from drying out. Place in appropriate quantities in shady places.

Feel free to combine these methods to get the most out of NEMA snails.

Additional Treatment Advice

The nematodes should be dissolved in water. Start by making a concentrate which is then diluted with plain water to the amount of solution needed to water the surface to be treated.

First, remove some of the packaging or concentrate for “snail porridge” if you want to use that method. The rest of the nematodes are further diluted so that there is enough for the area to be treated.

Avoid watering the nematodes when it is hot and sunny. A rainy day, early morning or evening is recommended.

A regular watering can can be used, but on some watering cans the spout can become clogged and you need to drill the holes out a bit.

AquaNemix is ​​a very good tool. AquaNemix is ​​connected directly to the water hose and doses the nematodes from the container on the handle.

A garden sprayer or degreasing sprayer that usually holds about 5 liters can also be used. It is important that the nozzle on the sprayer is so open that it becomes a shower and not a mist. If the nozzle is so closed that it becomes a mist, it is so cramped that the nematodes are damaged. Water thoroughly so that the nematodes get down properly into the soil.

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