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SEEDS (10pcs/bag)
Common name: Red Okra
Scientific name: Abelmoschus esculentus var. rubra
Family: Malvaceae
Plant history & use:
Red okra is a variant of the green okra with the same scientific name. Like the green variety, the fruits of red okra are a well-used ingredient in cooking thanks to their crunchy texture and binding properties. The fruits can be used in the same way as the greens, both in stews and soups, but also raw as a snack. The leaves of red okra can also be used raw in salads or stir-fries.
The big difference between red and green okra is of course the red color - which makes the variety a popular ornamental plant.
Like green okra, red okra is drought tolerant and grows best in well-drained, loamy soil. It thrives best in heat and is sensitive to frost, so cultivation in Sweden is mainly recommended in greenhouses or covered growing beds during the spring.
Red okra is self-pollinating, so a single plant is sufficient to bear fruit. For best results, give the plant continuous irrigation and nutrient supply.
The fruits of red okra should be picked at an early, unripe stage while they are still red and soft. If the fruits become too ripe, they can develop a woody taste.
Soak the seeds in water 24 hours before sowing. Put the seeds in moist soil and cover with 1-2 cm of soil. Keep the seed moist and place in a location with direct sunlight. The seeds germinate faster at temperatures above 25 ºC.
Age: Perennial
Plant position: Sun
Height: 1-2 m
Germination time: 1-8 weeks
Growing zone: Hardy down to 10 ºC
SEEDS (10pcs/bag)
Trivial Name: Karen Chili, Wiang Ping Chili, Karen Chili, Karen Chili Pepper
Scientific name: Capsicum annuum
Family: Solanaceae
Plant history & use:
Karenchilin is named after and originates from an ethnic minority group and traditional tribe in the mountainous areas between Burma and Thailand. Karenchilin is more hardy than other tropical chilies. Chili fruits normally have a high heat and a distinct fruity and sweet flavor that really makes its mark in the dishes in which it is used.
Karenchilin is easily recognized by its green, yellow, orange & red fruits with a slightly dented surface. Fruits in different stages that are often seen on the plant at the same time a bit into the season, hence the plant's colorful impression. Another characteristic of Karenchilin is also that its fruits usually always point upwards on the plant.
The Scoville Heat Units (SHU) for Karen Chili can vary depending on the growing conditions, but is usually between 50,000 and 100,000 SHU. This places Karenchilin at a medium to hot level on the Scoville scale, a level that most other thaichilis are at.
Karen Chili can be grown both in pots and in garden soil. It needs well-drained soil and a sunny location to thrive. It does best in a warm and moist environment to germinate and grow. Under optimal conditions, it is a high-yielding variety that can produce an abundance of fruit during the season.
However, it is one of the hardier tropical chili varieties in its ability to grow and produce in colder temperatures. It is not frost-resistant. So it is grown as a perennial, which is recommended, it should overwinter in a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Can also be grown as an annual.
The growth habit is bushy and plants usually reach a height of 60 cm.
Chili peppers are generally easy to grow. They thrive in sunny and warm locations. Can be grown indoors in a window.
All chili peppers are perennial and can produce fruit all year round if given the right conditions. Heat, light, light nutrition and moisture contribute to a continuous growth & production of the plant. If you want the plant to produce fruit even during the winter months, use a plant lamp to supplement the sunlight, possibly grow only under a plant lamp.
Keep the soil evenly moist and let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. Fertilize with advantage 2-3 times a week to provide abundant fruit production.
The fruits range from green (yellow-orange) to red. The fruits can be eaten at any stage of maturity. 2-6 cm.
Grown indoors at the beginning of the year.
Put the seeds in warm water 1 day before sowing. Moisten the seed soil and lightly press the seeds down against the surface. Cover with 1 cm of soil. Place bright and keep the seed moist.
Age: Perennial
Plant position: sun
Height: 50-150 cm
Germination time: 5-15 days
FRÖN (30st/påse)
Trivialnamn: Röd Shiso, Bladmynta, Kinesisk Mynte, Veripeippi, Sesame Sauvage, Schwarznessel, Wilder Sesam, Beefsteak Plant, Shiso Zoku, Bai Su Zi
Vetenskapligt namn: Perilla frutescens var. crispa
Familj: Lamiaceae
Växthistoria & användning:
Shiso, eller Bladmynta som örten kallas på svenska, härstammar ifrån Fjärran Östern: Korea, Japan, Kina m fl. Dess naturliga växtplats är från Himalaya till östra Asien där den ofta växer vild i fuktig, öppen skogsmark.
Både fröer, blad och unga skott/plantor används som krydda. Smaken kan anses obekant för västerländska smaksinnen till en början, vissa människor upptäcker kanel, andra koriander eller citrus.
Skott eller små plantor läggs i sallader, medan äldre blad ofta används som garnering eller smaksättning. Användningsområdena för Shiso'n är dock vidspridda.
Större blad kan t ex användas för att slå in (wrap) bulgogi, en koreansk biffrätt. Blad från lilafärgade Shiso-sorter används i Japan för att färga och smaksätta inläggningar: t ex ingefära och plommon. Äldre blad kan även saltas och användas för smaksättning av tofu och som garnering till tempura. I och med att bladen har en "curryliknande" smak är dem en ingrediens i många soppor och grytor. Det är även vanligt att man gör rätter på ångade Shisoblad, t ex Perilla Leaf Kimchi. Bladen kan även torkas för senare användning.
Outslagna blomknoppar används som garnering till soppor och andra maträtter, äts färska i sallader, läggs in (likt Kapris) eller wokas tillsammans med andra grönsaker.
Fröerna kan strös över sallader och maträtter. De är en av ingredienserna i de välkända kryddblandningarna 'Shichimi' och 'Seven Spice'. Man gör även energibars med just Shisofrön. Det är frön från de lilafärgade Shiso-sorterna som föredras vid kulinarisk användning.
Ur fröerna kan man även utvinna s k perillaolja, som används i industriella sammanhang - t ex parfymtillverkning och tandvårdsprodukter samt inom pappers- och färgindustrin. Oljan används dock även i kulinariska syften som smaksättning av godis och olika såser. Ur fröerna kan man också utvinna en olja som effektivt används för att behandla trä, likt linolja.
Fröerna innehåller cirka 21,5% protein, 43,4% fett, 11,3% kolhydrat, 4,4% mineraler av olika slag. Fröerna från Shison är även rika på linolensyra (ALA).
Shiso är en uppskattad medicinalväxt inom orientalisk medicin, där den benämns som en bitande, aromatisk och värmande ört. Både bladen, stjälkarna och fröna används. Bladen används vid behandling av förkylningar, luftvägsinfektion, kräkningar, buksmärtor m fl (Yeung. Him-Che.). Fröerna är antiastmatisk, hostdämpande, mjukgörande och slemlösande. Saften från bladen appliceras på skärsår och sår (Manandhar. N. P.). Extrakt från växten används internt vid behandling av astma, förkylningar och frossa, illamående, buksmärtor, matförgiftning och allergiska reaktioner (särskilt sådana från skaldjur), bronkit och förstoppning (Duke. J. A. and Ayensu. E. S.). Stjälkarna är ett traditionellt kinesiskt botemedel mot illamående på morgonen (Bown. D.).
Extrakt av örten har på senare tid börjat användas även i västvärlden, mot vissa allergier och som alternativ till antibiotika och kortison. De senaste ca 20 åren har det funnits ett intresse för örtens verkan mot astma (Almark L. & Flising L. - Svenska Örtasällskapet).
Trivs bäst i en lätt, fuktighetsbevarande jord i soligt läge. Shison är ej frosttålig så den behöver övervintras frostfritt ifall man vill odla den som flerårig. Annars är den passande att odla som ettårig tack vare dess höga tillväxttakt.
Lättodlad, likt de flesta andra växter i familjen Lamiaceae: Grekiskt Bergste, Helig Basilika, Trädbasilika, Thaibasilika, Citronbasilika.
USDA-zon anges vara 7-10. Den ungefärliga översättningen från USDA zon 7-8 till vårt svenska system är växtzon 1-2. Men i och med att systemen inte mäts på samma vis är de inte direkt översättningsbara. Experiment kan göras på egen risk, finns chans för att plantornas rötter kan övervintra i landets allra mildaste delar, även om delen ovan jord fryser bort under vintern.
Förkultivera inomhus, alternativt så utomhus på senvåren när jorden är varm. Fröna är ljusgroende - täck därav fröerna med ett ytterst tunt jordlager eller täck inte alls. Håll sådden fuktig. Ett sätt att behålla god fuktighet är att täcka sådden med plast försedd med lufthål.
Optimal groningstemperatur är 18-25 °C.
Årighet: Flerårig i varmare klimat, annars ettårig
Växtläge: sol
Höjd: 60-100 cm
Grotid: 5-15 dagar
USDA-zon: 7-10
SEEDS (5pcs/bag)
Common names: Purple Bauhinia, Orchid Tree, Camel's Foot, Butterfly Tree, Hawaiian Orchid Tree
Scientific name: Bauhinia purpurea
Family: Fabaceae
Plant history & use:
Purple Bauhinia is a beautiful tree with profuse purple flowers. The flowers smell like honeysuckle. The tree has its origins in the area around India and Myanmar.
Like the orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata) are flower buds, flowers, young leaves and young pods of Purple Bauhinia edible.
You can put in unopened flower buds in a way similar to how we put capers in Europe. They can also be put in pots and made different types of salsa on. The flower buds are called Kachnar in Indian - that's also the search term you use if you want to find recipes for using the unopened flower buds.
Bean pods are boiled and eaten as a vegetable on the side.
Seeds can be fried/roasted in a frying pan for consumption.
In Southeast Asia, Purpurbauhinian is also used to soothe swelling, bruises and heal wounds. In India, the leaves are used to make a type of cough medicine.
The Purpurbauhinian has its provenance from subtropical and tropical climates in southern Asia. Purpurbauhinian is not as cold hardy as The orchid tree, however, tolerates frost. On younger trees, leaves may be damaged by the frost and fall off, but the tree recovers during the growing season again.
In Sweden, cultivation in pots that overwinter above zero is recommended. If you have several trees, live in the warmer parts of the country and want to experiment with the borders, you should choose a location sheltered from the wind and sunny and cover the base of the tree with straw or similar over the winter. This insulates the tree against the worst of the cold. Regardless, you can preferably let the tree overwinter first year above zero to be able to grow as strongly as possible before planting out next year.
Purpurbauhinian likes to grow in nutrient-rich, well-drained soils with a lot of organic matter and a neutral to slightly basic pH: 6.5-7.5. Regular potting soil works well.
The tree can be propagated by cuttings as well as seeds.
Soak the seeds for 1-2 days before sowing.
Preferably sow indoors or in a greenhouse under a 1 cm layer of soil. Keep the seed moist. The seeds can still be considered quick-germinating, it usually doesn't take more than about 1 week before the seeds start to germinate, some of the seeds take longer.
Lifespan: Perennial
Location: Sun / Partial shade
Height: 2-10 m
Germination Time: 1-4 weeks
A trio of 3 different seed varieties with purple-colored, edible fruits!
What gives the fruits their purple color are substances called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are so-called antioxidants that prevent and repair the body in case of oxidative stress that can occur during periods of stress or infections, for example.
Of course, the fruits also contain other nutrients that are important for good health. The goa bean has, among other things, a high protein content; The chili pepper, capsaicin, which helps reduce inflammation, and the Thai aubergine is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C, among other things.
Take part in a colorful trio and grow at the same time for good health - which of course all edible vegetables contribute to in one way or another.
A total of 35 seeds of 3 varieties:
5 seeds Purple Goa bean
10 seeds Purple Chili Pepper 'Purple Thai'
20 seeds Purple Thai Eggplant
Read more about each variety here:
SEEDS (10pcs/bag)
Common name: Chilli Pepper 'Salvo'
Scientific name: Capsicum annuum
Family: Solanaceae
Plant history & use:
'Salvo' is an orange colored chili pepper with a medium cap. It is between 50,000 and 100,000 Scoville Heat Units.
Add to salads, stir-fries and stews.
All chili peppers originate from Central and South America. The genus has since been spread with the help of colonists, missionaries and traders worldwide and new species have emerged through adaptation to the environment.
Chili peppers are generally easy to grow. They thrive in sunny and warm locations. Can be grown indoors in a window.
All chili peppers are perennial and can produce fruit all year round if given the right conditions. Heat, light, light nutrition and moisture contribute to a continuous growth & production of the plant. If you want the plant to produce fruit even during the winter months, use a plant lamp to supplement the sunlight, possibly grow only under a plant lamp.
Keep the soil evenly moist and let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. Fertilize with advantage 2-3 times a week to provide abundant fruit production.
The fruits range from green (yellow-orange) to red. The fruits can be eaten at any stage of maturity. 2-6 cm.
Grown indoors at the beginning of the year.
Put the seeds in warm water 1 day before sowing. Moisten the seed soil and lightly press the seeds down against the surface. Cover with 1 cm of soil. Place bright and keep the seed moist.
Lifespan: Perennial
Location: Sun
Height: 50-150 cm
Germination Time: 5-15 days
SEEDS (10pcs/bag)
Common Names: Yard Long Bean 'Bicolor', Asparagus Bean, Snake Bean, Bodi
Scientific name: Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis
Family: Fabaceae
Plant history & use :
A black spotted/camouflage variant of the long bean.
Usually used and prepared in a similar way to green beans - that is, the bean pods are harvested in an unripe stage to be cooked or eaten raw. Long beans are very good to eat raw, unlike many other broad beans, thanks to their crunchy texture and rich, nutty taste.
You can also leave the bean pods on the plant until they have reached full maturity and cook the dry beans inside the pod in the same way as, for example, kidney beans.
Long beans should be eaten raw alongside other dishes, cooked in woks, pots or made into a salad. A popular example is in papaya salad (Som Tam) where the raw beans are cut into 2-3 cm long pieces and mixed with the grated papaya and other ingredients.
Lila Långböna contains e.g vitamins A, B, C and, as I said, anthocyanins.
Thrives in heat & direct sun, prefers high humidity but it is not a requirement. Relatively drought tolerant once the plant is established. Can be grown both outdoors and in greenhouses.
Use an airy and well-drained soil. If you can give it a soil with a slightly acidic pH value (5.5-7.5), that is an advantage.
As a pea plant, the long bean fixes its own nitrogen in the soil and does not necessarily need to be given any additional fertilization.
The long bean is a so-called sturgeon and has a climbing habit. Feel free to give it some space and something to climb on for vigorous growth and fruiting. When the adult stage is reached and the temperature is around 27-32 °C, the long bean grows vigorously and produces abundantly.
Feel free to prune tops of side shoots for an abundant harvest.
Harvested 2-3 months after germination.
Flowers vary from pink to lavender.
Can be sown directly outdoors / in a greenhouse when the soil temperature has reached above 15 °C. Alternatively, pre-cultivate indoors for planting out in late spring. Keep sowing warm and moist.
Lifespan: Annual
Location: Sun
Height: 125-200 cm
Germination Time: 1-2 weeks
Showing 27/27
Andra avdelningar
Seeds from unusual and ancient cultivated plants are found here. Many of the plants have long been used by man for their useful properties - it may be about edibles as well as medicinal and household properties.
All seed varieties in the store contribute to a functional addition to the cultivation. Our seeds consist of open-pollinated and hand-pollinated heirloom varieties, we believe that a genetic diversity in the garden contributes to a healthier ecosystem that extends beyond the borders of our cultivations.
Plants are divided based on their different functions and characteristics - e.g. "Fruits & Berries" and "Medicinal plants" - via the filtering function on the right (below on mobile).
Plant history and cultivation description are available for all seeds.
NOTE. More unusual varieties are on the way!
Här hittar ni både supersköna skomodeller som är skapade för just trädgårdstiden och även andra modeller som passar bra för olika tillfällen i trädgården. Efter egen jakt på bra trädgårdsskor hittade vi märket Rouchette, där vi framför allt kom att älska deras ankelstövlar isolerade med neopren för den värme och komfort de ger.
De har dessutom utformat en praktisk sula där ingen jord fastnar och tas med in i hemmet - the Frotte&Go system, som exklusivt utvecklats och används utav Rouchette. Rouchette är ett familjeföretag ifrån Frankrike som vi av god anledning har blivit återförsäljare för.
Utan överdrift är det de skönaste och mest praktiska stövlarna vi har haft. Därifrån kom tanken att dela användbarheten med andra odlare. Ankelstövlarna passar även bra till stallet.
Du kan använda filtreringsfunktionen nedanför till vänster för att enkelt hitta de skor du söker.
Here you can find books related to sustainable cultivation, forest gardens, agroecology and other interesting knowledge about plants and their useful properties.
Take a look at PFAF's (Plants For A Future) book series - we have recently added all their books to the range as we consider them to be a valuable source of useful plants for temperate gardens/gardens.
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