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Beneficial organisms against fruit flies

343,00 DKK

Expected delivery date: 15 March to 22 March.


Product description

Predatory mites against dark red citrus and fruit tree mites ( Panonychus sp.), 5000 pieces.

Orders placed by Sunday evening will be shipped the following Tuesday.

Californicus predatory mites are the first choice against the dark red Citrus and fruit tree mites ( Panonychus sp. ) in citrus, ficus, peach, apple, etc. The common spider mite ( Phytoseiulus persimilis ) does not work against this type of mite.

Californicus also has an effect on common spider mites ( Tetranychus ) and can be used preventively before an infestation is observed, as it can live for a longer period without food than common spider mites ( Phytoseiulus persimilis ). Once an infestation of common spider mites has been established, it works spider mite better, because they have an easier time moving in the threads of the web than the Californicus predatory mites.

Use a magnifying glass to identify whether you are infested with citrus mites or common greenhouse spider mites before ordering.

Predatory mites are effective at temperatures between 12-38 °C but work best at 18-33 °C. They can tolerate cold nights down to 3-4 °C but are not active at these temperatures.

The product is delivered in packs of 5000 pieces.

2-5 Days International Shipping

30 day returns

Always 39kr International Seed Shipping

Pay later with Klarna