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{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/helig-basilika-ocimum-tenuiflorum');
<h4><span data-mce-fragment="1">SEEDS (50pcs/bag)</span></h4>
<p><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Common Names</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">: Holy Basil, Tulsi, Tulasi, Kaprao, Hot Basil, Damole</span><br data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Scientific name</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">: <em>Ocimum tenuiflorum</em> / <em>Ocimum sanctum</em></span> <br data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Family</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">: Lamiaceae</span></p>
<h4><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Plant history & use</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">:</span></h4>
<p>Holy Basil is more spicy and peppery than the closely related "sweet" basil (<em>Ocimum basilicum</em>) we usually eat in Europe. It is also one of the few basil varieties which can grow into smaller trees.</p>
<p>Holy Basil is often confused with Thai Basil (<em>Ocimum basilicum</em> var. <em>thyrsiflora</em>) - which is a different species. Because of this confusion and the rarer occurrence of Holy Basil, Thai basil is sometimes mistakenly used in cooking where Holy Basil is actually the correct component. An example of such occurrence can be in the Thai dish Pad Kaprao, which is named after the Holy Basil's Thai name <em>kaprao</em>. The difference between these two basils is that Thai Basil is sweeter and more licorice-like while Holy Basil is spicier and more peppery, hence the name <em>Hot Basil</em> which is sometimes used.</p>
<p>In addition to cooking, the plant's leaves and flowers are also used to make a calming tea.</p>
<p>As one of the most well-used ancient medicinal plants, Holy Basil has been used to treat common colds, headaches, various stress disorders and more. Stem, leaves and seeds are used for these purposes.</p>
<p>In traditional societies, the herb is also used as a natural mosquito repellent, by applying the aroma from the plant on the skin.</p>
<p><meta charset="utf-8"><span>Similarly, dried leaves have been mixed with stored grains to repel insects</span> <span>for</span> <span>hundreds of years.</span></p>
<h4><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Cultivation</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">:</span></h4>
<p>Use a well-drained, loamy soil and place in partial shade to full sun, it will grow well in both. Thrives best in moist soil, but not wet. If you let the soil dry out between waterings it will enhance the aroma production of the plant - this is the result of a response to stress.</p>
<p>Place the Holy Basil in a pot with plenty of room for the roots to give the plant a chance to grow into a small tree. Move the pot indoors before winter as the plant does not thrive in temperatures below 15 <span data-mce-fragment="1">°</span> C. If the plant is slowly led into a winter dormancy, it can manage to overwinter in temperatures down to -1 <span data-mce-fragment="1">°</span> C, but this slows down growth.<br></p>
<p>In Southern Europe - Spain, Italy, Balkan, Greece and South/West Turkey - you can grow Holy Basil outdoors all year round.</p>
<p>If you want the plant to focus more on foliage growth, you can cut off inflorescences before they have time to fully develop.</p>
<p>Holy Basil is easy to take cuttings from, make a diagonal cut with a clean tool just below a leaf node. The cutting should be around 15 cm. Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting and place in a glass of water that you change regularly. Plant in soil when roots have developed.</p>
<h4><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Sowing</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">:</span></h4>
<p><span data-mce-fragment="1">Place the seeds on a layer of <meta charset="utf-8">moist soil. Lightly press the seeds into the soil for good contact. Keep the soil moist. One way to maintain good humidity is to cover the sown seeds with plastic provided with air holes.</span></p>
<h4><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Characteristics</strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">:</span></h4>
<p><span data-mce-fragment="1">Lifespan: Perennial</span><br data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Location: Partial shade/Sun</span><br data-mce-fragment="1"> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Height: 30-150 cm</span><br data-mce-fragment="1"> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Germination Time: 5-15 days<br></span>USDA Zone: 10-12</p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/ashwagandha-indisk-ginseng-withania-somnifera');
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">SEEDS (25pcs/bag)</span></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Common name:</strong> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Ashwagandha, Indian Ginseng, Winter Cherry, <meta charset="utf-8">Asandh</span><br> <strong>Scientific name:</strong> <em>Withania somnifera<br></em> <strong>Family:</strong> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Solanaceae</span></p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">Plant history & use:</span></strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal plant that has been used for its medicinal value for thousands of years, mainly for physical as well as mental fatigue. The <meta charset="utf-8">adaptogenic properties of Ashwagandha are thought to balance any imbalances in the body - partly through lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The root also has anti-inflammatory properties and is considered soothing for the nervous system.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Perceived effects when using Ashwagandha are improved cognitive performance in the form of memory enhancement and concentration capability as well as overall higher energy levels.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Ashwagandha is furthermore used in exercise supplements for increased muscle growth.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><meta charset="utf-8">Cultivation:</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Ashwagandha can be grown in a bright window or under artificial light.<br><br> This is a plant that thrives in dry climates and therefore has no problems growing inside as a houseplant. But the plant <meta charset="utf-8">can advantageously be put outside in the summer to receive extra sunlight.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">However, in the most favorable climates of Spain, Italy, Albania, Greece and Turkey (mainly adjacent to the coastal areas) Ashwagandha can be grown outdoors all year around as a perennial.<br> <br>As the plant grows larger, it is beneficial to give good space for the roots, as it is mainly the root growth that you are interested in when growing and harvesting Ashwagandha.<br><br> When the plant has grown, you can let the soil dry out in between waterings as this prevents troubles such as lack of oxygen in the roots and further contributes to increased root growth. The Ashwagandha is very drought resistant once established.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Sowing:</strong></h4>
<a> </a>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><a>Sow and let grow in well-drained soil. Cover the seeds with a 1 cm layer of soil or perlite. Keep the soil moist during the seed stage.</a></p>
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<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><a><strong>Characteristics:</strong></a></h4>
<a> </a>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><a>Lifespan: Perennial<br data-mce-fragment="1">Location: Sun/Part shade<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Height: 75 cm<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Germination Time: 1-3 weeks<br data-mce-fragment="1">USDA Zone: 10-12<br></a></p>
<a> </a>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/parakrasse-jambu-acmella-oleracea');
<h4 style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">SEEDS (30pcs/bag)</h4>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><strong>Common names:</strong> Toothache Plant, <meta charset="utf-8">Szechuan Buttons, <meta charset="utf-8">Paracress, Jambu, Buzz Buttons, Tingflowers, Electric Daisy<br> <strong>Scientific name:</strong> <em>Acmella oleracea</em><br> <strong>Family:</strong> Asteraceae</p>
<h4 style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><strong>Plant history & use</strong>:</h4>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">This unique plant has electrical & numbing properties. Gourmet chefs around the world sprinkle a few of the flower's stamens into the food to give the guest a unique sensation. It starts with a faint electric "touch" that turns into a pretty numbing feeling. The feeling can be compared to that which the Szechuan pepper evokes. That is why the flower buds are sometimes called "Szechuan buttons".<br><br> Fresh leaves are still used to this day to relieve toothache by chewing them. This is thanks to the numbing and antibacterial properties of the leaves. Chewing the leaves also gives a refreshing feeling and counteracts dry mouth.<br><br> Historically, the leaves have been chewed on to relieve throat & palate infections.<br><br> Thanks to the muscle-relaxing properties of <meta charset="utf-8"><em>A. oleracea</em>, the plant is also used in natural anti-wrinkle agents and is sometimes referred to as "nature's botox".<br><br> The whole plant is edible.<br> <br>The flower buds can be used as a topping in anything ranging from cocktails to pasta & fish dishes - only creativity sets the limits. The leaves are used in salads and stews.<br><br> Paracress is an effective attractor of pollinators.</p>
<h4 style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><strong>Cultivation</strong>:</h4>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">In the wild, paracress grows in somewhat warmer climates, often in moist soils. However, the plant can withstand periods of drought.<br></p>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">In temperate climates, it is best grown in a pot, either indoors or outdoors. Overwintering should be frost-free. </p>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">In subtropical and tropical climates it can be grown directly in the ground year round, and provide you with its electric & numbing properties year after year.</p>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><meta charset="utf-8">Placement should be in sun or partial shade.<br><br> Thrives best in a well-drained, loamy soil. Potting soil works great.<br><br> Grows quickly into a winding shrub. If sown in March, the plant blooms already at the end of June.</p>
<h4 style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><strong>Sowing</strong>:</h4>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">Sow the seeds on top of moist soil. Do not cover the seeds. Keep the seed moist. Germination time is usually 5-15 days.</p>
<h4 style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><strong>Characteristics</strong>:</h4>
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;">Lifespan: Perennial<br>Location: Sun/Part shade<br> Height: 30 cm<br> Germination Time: 5-15 days<br>USDA Zone: 9-11</p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/mexikansk-koriander-eryngium-foetidum');
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1">SEEDS (50pcs/bag)</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Common names:</strong> Culantro, Ngò Gai, Recao, Chadon Beni, Mexican Coriander, Bandhaniya, Long Coriander, Sawtooth Coriander, Pak Chi Farang<br data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Scientific name:</strong> <em data-mce-fragment="1">Eryngium foetidum</em><br data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Family:</strong> Apiaceae</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong><span>Plant history & use:</span></strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Culantro, or <meta charset="utf-8">Ngò Gai, is a perennial tropical herb that can be grown outdoors frost-free or in a pot and overwintered indoors for harvest all year round. It is related to "common" cilantro, <em data-mce-fragment="1">Coriandrum sativum.</em></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The taste of culantro is reminiscent of cilantro, but it is stronger and more solid. Culantro also retains its flavor and color significantly better when dried, making it popular in the dried spices industry.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Goes well with soups, rice and fish dishes. An example is the Thai soup Tom Yum, where it marries perfectly the other ingredients. It's also common in accompanying seafood sauces, often together with lime, chili and more.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The plant's leaves and roots are also to be used in tea to stimulate the appetite and relieve fever & stomach aches. There are additional areas of use. </p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Cultivation</strong>:</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Culantro is easy to grow and thrives best in well-drained soils in sun/part shade. The soil should be kept on the drier side, without drying out completely.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">It takes about 60 days for the plant to be ready for the first harvest.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Sowing</strong>:</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Sow directly on the plant site when the soil has warmed up or pre-cultivate indoors. 1 cm deep. Remember to keep the soil moist when growing indoors.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Characteristics</strong>:</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Lifespan: Perennial<br data-mce-fragment="1">Location: Sun/Part shade<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Height: 30-60 cm<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Germination Time: 10-30 days<br data-mce-fragment="1">USDA Zone: 7-11</p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/gotu-kola-pennywort-centella-asiatica');
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1">SEEDS (15pcs/bag)</h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Common names:</strong> Gotu Kola, <meta charset="utf-8">Indian Pennywort, <meta charset="utf-8">Asiatic Pennywort, Spadeleaf, Brahmi Herb, <meta charset="utf-8">Kodavan<span data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Scientific name:</strong><em data-mce-fragment="1"> </em><em data-mce-fragment="1">Centella asiatica</em> / <em data-mce-fragment="1">Hydrocotyl asiatica<br data-mce-fragment="1"></em> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Family:</strong> Apiaceae</span></p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong><span>Plant history & use:</span></strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Gotu Kola is a well-known medicinal plant that originates from Asia. It has long been used to alleviate e.g. stress and anxiety. It is also commonly used to cure skin conditions such as eczema, wounds and acne as it improves the elasticity of the skin. Gotu Kola is an adaptogen and therefore, like <a title="Ashwagandha seeds" href="" target="_blank"><strong><span><span style="color: #4e991d;">Ashwagandha</span>,</span></strong></a> it is one of the few plants with an incredibly wide range of uses in traditional medicine. There are a variety of scientific articles to read for those interested in learning more in-depth.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">For purely medicinal purposes, extracts are made from the Gotu Kola plant. But you can also use its health-promoting properties in food and drink.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">In Burma for example, a salad is often made with "Pennywort" as a base together with tomato, onion & peanuts etc. You can also make tea brewed from the leaves or make a cooling drink.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Cultivation:</strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">In its natural environment, Gotu Kola is often found growing in water, in moist-retaining soils as well as dryer areas along roadsides and hedgerows.<br><br>It is an easy-to-grow and vigorous plant that thrives best in moisture-retaining soil in semi-shady locations. It appreciates an airy soil with a lot of organic material that retains moisture and at the same time drains off excess water effectively. Gotu Kola can also grow in drier soils.<br><br>The Gotu Kola plant spreads quickly, so if growing in a pot, a wide pot is preferred.<br><br>This plant usually does not grow taller than 30 cm but, on the other hand, it likes to spread horisontally towards widths of 1 m. For this reason, it is an effective ground cover for intercropping with other crops.<br><br>Gotu Kola is a common water plant and is well qualified for hydroponic cultivation systems.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Sowing:</strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Put seeds</span><span data-mce-fragment="1"> </span><span data-mce-fragment="1">in an airtight plastic bag with moist sand/peat/sowing soil in the fridge for 3 weeks.</span> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Then sow</span> <span data-mce-fragment="1">in moist soil. Cover with a thin layer of soil. Keep the soil moist.</span></p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Characteristics:</strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Lifespan: Perennial <br data-mce-fragment="1">Location: Part shade/Sun<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Height: 30 cm (width 1 m)<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Germination Time: 2-8 weeks<br data-mce-fragment="1">USDA Zone: 7-10<br></p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/roselle-hibiscus-sabdariffa');
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><span>SEEDS (10pcs/bag)</span></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Common names: </strong>Roselle, Jamaican Sorrel, Ambali, <meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Asam Susar</span><br> <strong>Scientific name: </strong><em><span>Hibiscus sabdariffa</span><br></em> <strong>Family: </strong><span data-mce-fragment="1">Malvaceae</span></p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong><span>Plant history & use:</span></strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Origin from Africa, then spread to Asia and the Caribbean.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Most popularly used to make juice (Agua de Jamaica) from the fresh sepals, but you can also let them dry to make hibiscus tea.<meta charset="utf-8"> Dried sepals are also used as a flavoring agent for Gin. The fresh leaves can also be used to add a sour flavor in salads and soups of Asian character.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">In Asia, the leaves are fried, made soup of or cooked together with various dishes e.g. fish, chicken and beef.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Roselle is also often used for<meta charset="utf-8"> <span data-mce-fragment="1">its health-enhancing properties</span> .</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Cultivation:</strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Roselle is a perennial plant that thrives in bright locations. Grow the plant indoors next to a bright window and feel free to move it outside in the summer. Alternatively, grow as an annual outdoor in pots or sow the seeds directly on open ground when the risk of frost is over.<br></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Roselle is commercially <meta charset="utf-8">grown in one-year periods. In nature, however, the plant is perennial and it can also be such when grown at home. Overwintering in a bright location is a prerequisite for growing Roselle as a perennial northern Europe.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">In southern Europe: Spain, France's southern coast, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, southern Greece and west/south Turkey, Roselle can be grown outdoors as a perennial all year round. Roselle is USDA Zone 9-12.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The Roselle plant grows into a small tree/tall bush.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Sowing:</strong></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Soak the seeds 1 day in advance. Sow in moist soil and preferably cover with plastic with punctuated small holes to retain moisture. Optimum temperature for rapid germination is between 25-30 <span data-mce-fragment="1">ºC</span>, but the seeds also germinate at around 20 <span data-mce-fragment="1">ºC</span>. You may use a heating mat for improved germination conditions.</p>
<h4 data-mce-fragment="1"><strong>Characteristics:</strong><br></h4>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Lifespan: Perennial<br data-mce-fragment="1">Location: Sun<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Height: up to 3 meters<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Germination Time: 7-30 days<br>USDA Zone: 9-12</p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/bla-himmelsart-fylld-blomma-clitoria-ternatera');
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p data-mce-fragment="1">SEEDS (15pcs/bag)</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Trivial Names:</strong> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Sky-Earth,</span> Sail-Earth, <meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">K</span> litoria, Butterfly Pea<br> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Scientific name:</strong> <em data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Clitoria <meta charset="utf-8">ternatea</span><br data-mce-fragment="1"></em> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Family:</strong> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Fabaceae</span><span data-mce-fragment="1"> </span></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Plant history & use:</span></strong></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Blue Himmelsärt with stuffed flowers.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Large climbing plant whose flowers have an intense blue color that is easily released when hot water is added.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Used to color food, sweets and drinks.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">In Asia, tea made directly from the flowers is drunk. Sometimes it is mixed with lemongrass, honey and lime.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Himmelsärt is also used in traditional medicine as a relaxant and memory enhancer.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The normally blue colored drink changes to purple if you add something acidic, such as lemon. This is due to pH changes in the composition. Similarly, the flowers of the sky pea are sometimes used to make blue gin, which turns purple when tonic is added.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">As a comparison, you can think that tea made in Himmelsart is used in Asia in the same way that we in Sweden use chamomile tea.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Like <span style="color: #4e991d;"><strong><a style="color: #4e991d;" href="" title="Goa bean / Wing bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)" target="_blank">the Goa bean</a></strong></span> , the Himmelsärten is regenerative for the soil by fixing nitrogen from air pores in the soil and works well as a ground cover crop. On the other hand, Himmelsärten is generally not hardy in Sweden, unlike Goa bean.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Culture:</strong></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">The sky pea is a sun-loving, fast-growing plant that quickly establishes itself if it has something to climb on.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Cultivation in a pot is recommended if you want to let it become perennial in Sweden. Overwinter frost-free.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Able to grow in both moist and dry soils. Thrives surprisingly well in heavy clay soils. For growing in pots, a loamy soil with good drainage should be used.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Top branches for a bushier growth habit.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Sowing:</strong></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Pre-cultivated indoors early in the year, alternatively sown outside in April-May.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Soak the seeds 1 day in advance. Sow in moist soil and preferably cover with plastic with small air holes to maintain good moisture.</p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Characteristics:</strong><br data-mce-fragment="1"></p>
<p data-mce-fragment="1">Age: Perennial<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Plant position: sun<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Height: 150-300 cm<br data-mce-fragment="1"> Germination time: 10-20 days</p>
{'xUpdateVariantQuanity').updateQuantity('template--24165620744519__product-grid', '/en-eu/products/goji-trio');
<p>Grow the entire Goji trio - yellow, red & black - in your garden. Discount when ordering all three!<br></p>
<p>Goji berries are a rich source of vitamins and proteins. Red goji berries are familiar to most people, while yellow and black goji berries are a fairly unexplored source of health in the West. In ancient societies, the plant has been used for a variety of purposes for a long time.</p>
<p>Goji is an easy-to-grow shrub that is hardy outdoors in all Europe and can grow in most soils.</p>
<p>A total of 50 seeds of 3 varieties:</p>
<p>10 seeds Yellow Goji<br> 20 seeds (Red) Goji<br> 20 seeds Black Goji</p>
<p>Read more about each variety here:<br></p>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum)" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color: #4e991d;" data-mce-style="color: #4e991d;"><strong>Goji (<em>Lycium barbarum</em>)</strong></span></a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Yellow Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum)" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color: #4e991d;" data-mce-style="color: #4e991d;"><strong><span style="color: #4e991d;" data-mce-style="color: #4e991d;">Yellow Goji (<em style="color: #4e991d;">Lycium barbarum</em><span style="color: #4e991d;" color="#4e991d">)</span></span></strong></span></a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Black Goji Berry (Lycium ruthenicum)" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color: #4e991d;" data-mce-style="color: #4e991d;"><strong>Black Goji (<em>Lycium ruthenicum</em>)</strong></span></a></li>